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The top 50

The beginning of a long journey to the highest point in each of the 50 states.

By: Caden Picquet + Save to a List

As I start my journey to the top 50 I have started to realize that I am going to need to meet people that can help me along the way to help me. There are skills that I have yet to acquire, these would include but not be limited to: Mountaineering, Snow Shoeing, Rock Climbing, and even the basics like multi-day to weekly outings or how to tie certain knots. 

I know that within backpacking and activities like it there is a domino effect, you will meet someone that can help you with one activity, then they will know someone else that can get you to another step in your learning process then so on. Its a lot like life, we meet people everyday that make us better, and there are those that can take us back a step if we follow along with what they are doing. Its all about choices, and with choices come different outcomes. 

I think with this choice to take on this challenge I will learn a lot about myself, learn about and from others, have many more failures than I do successes. It's all about the learning curve and the challenge. If you want to follow me along on my adventure keep an eye on my page on here.

Not so the world can see me on top, but so I can see the whole world

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

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