Make the Jump and Live Life to the Fullest
You dream of a life of adventure. The only thing holding you back is your unwillingness to make the jump.
The exotic and noteworthy lifestyle we all dream about, poisoned yet sparked by social media. We see it all the time - men and woman exploring the globe, enjoying champaign on a yacht in Italy, or running a multimillion dollar company in New York. What sets these individuals apart? I can promise you, it is not a lucky lifestyle that they just happened to fall into. It is a lifestyle that they jumped into.
So here is my story:
From the age of 12 it has been my dream to travel the globe - to see every corner of every country I could lay my foot on before I die. I admit, I have traveled a lot, seen a lot, and experienced a lot in the 22 years I have been alive. However, something was holding me back from living the life I truly wanted to live - a fear that the journey to get to where I wanted to be would be filled with failure and hardship.
At 12 years old, I started my first business (I knitted hats and sold them to my peers in middle school... don't laugh), since then I have been addicted to the lifestyle. Fueled by my need to travel and explore, I have been on 7 different business ventures, trying to succeed financial freedom which would allow me to go where my heart desired. From media companies to computer software - I have dabbled in it all. Although I have attempted many times, nothing seemed to 'take off' like I needed it too. Only three years ago, I realized what was holding me back:
My innate urge for security and stability kept only my feet in the water - I needed to commit and make the leap.
So I dropped out of college and pursued my dream of business and exploration. To say the least, the last three years have been the best of my life. My two software businesses are succeeding, I have seen more of the world than I ever thought possible, and I have never been happier.
It has been a long road but I would not trade it for anything.
Here is what I suggest:
Everyone dreams of living the life of adventure and success, however, the majority believe that it only comes to those of extreme luck, those who had it "handed to them." I would like to inform anyone reading this, that is incorrect. The life of adventure and success came to those who decided to look off of life's cliff, push back their fears of losing stability, and jumped head first.
It is not an easy tumble. You will hit rocks on the way down and it will hurt. In fact, I would not be surprised if it was the hardest time of your life. However, when you finally gather yourself, figure things out, and pull your parachute, things will never be better.
It is all about the ability and willingness to commit to the things that you want. You cannot expect things to fall into place. If you are looking for a life of exploration, take three months away from your job and just do it. You will figure things out. If you are looking to start a business and be financially free, do not make excuses on why you can't, get home after work and start building. You will figure things out. If it is your dream to be a writer for National Geographic, pick up the pen and start practicing. You will figure things out.
So let go of your fear and take the leap. You will not regret it.
We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!
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