Winter Fitness: 5 Workouts Every Snowboarder Should Be Doing

Get your body ready to shred.

By: Alexandria Yepsen + Save to a List

As most avid snowboarders know, this sport is year round. We may be well into the season, but it's never too late to start doing exercises that will improve your performance on the mountain. Snowboarding is all about strength, balance and determination. Below, I’ve put together a list of workouts that you can do during the week, so you can shred to your heart's content on the weekends.

Ski or Snowboard Pink Pine Ridge | Photo: Andy Earl

1. Jump Squats

This is one of the best ways to up your leg power. Start in a deep squat position and jump as high as you can with your hands reaching towards the ceiling. This move will help make your jumps more explosive than ever before.

2. Calf Raises

When riding down the mountain, you realize how much you use your calf muscles. This exercise will strengthen not just your calf muscles, but your ankles as well. Start by standing upright with a dumbbell of a weight of your choice in one hand. Once in position, rise onto the ball of your foot that corresponds to the hand with the dumbbell. Do this about 30 times, and then switch to the other foot.

3. Indo Board

You might be thinking to yourself, "what in the world is an Indo Board?" This unique balance board will help you in more ways than one. Stand on the Indo Board with a relaxed upper body, then bend your knees until you are in a lower squat and hold. Once you've mastered balancing, you can work your way into rocking back and forth gently. If this is your first time on an Indo Board make sure you have something to hold on to if you loose your balance. This board will really help strengthen your core and improve your balance, both of which are much needed when you are out on the mountain.

Backcountry Snowshoe and Snowboard Near Lolo Pass | Photo: Ross Perkins

4. Planks

Who would have thought that one move could be so beneficial? This simple exercise will strengthen your core, lower back, and shoulders. Start by laying facedown on the floor, then rise yourself up by bracing your weight on your forearms and toes. Hold this for as long as you can. The more burn, the better! If you want more of a challenge, brace yourself on your hands instead of your forearms.

5. Yoga

Snowboarding is a high impact exercise, so including yoga in your training regimen can help loosen things up and keep you limber. Here, you can work on your flexibility and find some peace within your hectic schedule. Each position will challenge your body in a different way than those exercises above. You can sign up for classes or just learn a few poses and do them on your own. All you need is a space large enough to move around and you are on your way to a calming and fun exercise.

Ski and Snowboard Whitefish Mountain Resort | Photo: Noah Couser

Snowboarding is one of those sports you can always improve on. Whether you're prepping during the week for Saturday on the slopes or you're trying to stay in shredding shape over the summer, I hope these exercises make your time down the mountain more enjoyable. Happy riding!

Cover photo: Noah Couser

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