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Pioche, Nevada

Top Spots in and near Pioche

  • Pioche, Nevada

    Camp at Cathedral Gorge SP

    Cathedral Gorge seems like a hidden gem. There aren't many people who visit so if you go, you should have plenty of room to do as you wish. The Gorge was created through volcanic activity millions of years ago which spewed ash into mounds that were filled with water and faulted into the many vall...
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  • Pioche, Nevada

    Cathedral Gorge Loop

    3.38 mi / 226 ft gain
    As you drive north up Great Basin Highway, you will pass the teeny town of Panaca before seeing the Cathedral Gorge State Park Visitor's Center on the left side of the road. After you take a left, follow the road down and to the right, pay the park fee and prepared to take in some funky formation...
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