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Tiarra Collins

Whew what a beautiful site! I went for my 22nd birthday as a milestone in my health journey. I just got to say if this a a good beginner hike I’m scared to see what the next level hike is because holy sh*t! My calves were BURNING! Granite I over packed my bag but my poor dog had to drag me up that trail less then half way in! Nevertheless, I did not quit my fat a$$ kept going and got to the top and shooowee it was worth it the view is breathtaking, the trail itself is absolutely gorgeous. However I must say go early bc it does get a little crowded as the day goes on I started at 10am and finished the trail around 1pm. Me and my sweet pup almost rolled down the trail to finish and then barely made it to our car and cried once we did. My pup shed a tear and then demanded to never do that again... we have several more planned for next year!