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Jeff Driscoll

"The world is big and I want to get a good look at it before it gets dark." -John Muir

Backpack to Bear Basin and The Four Lakes Loop

Trinity Center, California
30.1 mi

Photograph a Gulf Coast Sunset at Clearwater Beach

Clearwater, Florida

Backpack to Green Lake and Virginia Pass

Bridgeport, California
17 mi / 4452 ft gain

Glen Camp Loop via the Palomarin Trailhead

Bolinas, California
15.72 mi / 3091 ft gain

Backpack to Crag Lake

Tahoma, California
11.1 mi / 1220 ft gain

Onion Valley to Mt. Whitney

Independence, California
47.35 mi / 11745 ft gain

Hike through the Effie Yeaw Nature Preserve

Carmichael, California
4.48 mi / 161 ft gain

Hike the American River Parkway: Fair Oaks Bridge to Hazel Ave.

Gold River, California
4.7 mi / 249 ft gain

Catch a Sunset from Tempe Town Lake and the Mill Avenue Bridge

Tempe, Arizona

Hike to Freel Peak

South Lake Tahoe, California
7.3 mi / 2474 ft gain

Bootjack Campground to Muir Woods

Bootjack Campground, California
8.61 mi / 1594 ft gain

Bear Valley to Coast Camp Loop

Point Reyes Station, California
16.18 mi / 2818 ft gain

Agnew Meadows to Tuolumne Meadows

Mammoth Lakes, California
30.27 mi / 4757 ft gain