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Adam Joshua

If you are a beginner hiker, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT go on this hike. It is steep, it is not .8 miles as the overview states and it is a death trap. The Hike to get to the caves is confusing and slanted. My kids and I nearly were killed before we even got to the caves. After braving the hike up, you come up to huge bolder and rocks. You then have to climb up the rocks, where there about 10 ways u can fall and die each step You take. Then you get to the caves, finally, and they are pretty cool but then comes your next problem. Getting down. There are two ways. Going back the way u came, or trying a new way. We tried the new way, as the way we came seemed not as safe. Wrong decision. There were about a million ways to die down there. DO NOT GO ON THIS HIKE. REVIEW IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.