John MauriziExplorer

Explore Pre Rup

Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

Explore Pelkor Chode Monastery

Rikaze Shi, China

Hike the Hank's Pond Loop

89 Van Orden Road, New Jersey
7 mi / 500 ft gain

Woodmarsh Trail

Lorton, Virginia
2.83 mi / 154 ft gain

Explore Hache Island

Cabo de Hornos, Chile
1.5 mi / 100 ft gain

Hike the Ganden Kora

Lasa Shi, China
2.5 mi

Skippack Creek Loop

Collegeville, Pennsylvania
7.25 mi / 377 ft gain

Camp at the EBC Tent Village

Rikaze Shi, China

Hike to Kbal Spean

Banteay Srei, Cambodia
0.9 mi / 0 ft gain

Walk the Tashilhunpo Kora

Rikaze Shi, China
2.5 mi / 500 ft gain

Hike the White Trail in Ridley Creek State Park

Glen Mills, Pennsylvania
5 mi / 450 ft gain

Photograph Wat Rong Khun - The White Temple

San Sai, Thailand

Hike to the Klondike Bluff Dinosaur Track

Moab, Utah
3 mi

Explore the Point Arena Lighthouse and Trail

Point Arena, California
0.5 mi

Explore Neak Pean - Ancient Healing Center

Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

Hawk Falls in Hickory Run State Park

Albrightsville, Pennsylvania
0.68 mi / 108 ft gain

Hike to Huyler's Landing/ Closter Dock Loop

Closter, New Jersey
5.4 mi / 450 ft gain

Thru Hike the Four Birds Trail

Jefferson, New Jersey
19 mi / 1200 ft gain

Hike the Perkins/Fahnestock/Charcoal Burners Trail Loop

Cold Spring, New York
7.5 mi / 800 ft gain

Hike the Mill Canyon Dinosaur Trail

Moab, Utah
1 mi / 50 ft gain

Explore Monk's Bath Tidal Pools in St. Croix

Frederiksted, U.S. Virgin Islands

Hike Padre Canyon

Ivins, Utah
3 mi / 700 ft gain

Creekside and Brandywine Valley Trail Loop

Wilmington, Delaware
5.5 mi / 20 ft gain

Relax at Playa Barrigona

160, Costa Rica