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John MauriziExplorer

Brins Mesa - Soldier Pass Loop

Sedona, Arizona
7.6 mi / 1040 ft gain

Explore Bayon Temple in Angkor Thom

Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

Hike the Cockscomb Trail

Sedona, Arizona
1.5 mi / 330 ft gain

Explore Pueblo La Plata

Black Canyon City, Arizona
0.25 mi

Explore the Willow Springs Dinosaur Tracks

Moab, Utah

Drive Aguereberry Point Road

Harrisburg, California

Hike the Two-Spot Loop Trail

Flagstaff, Arizona
2.5 mi / 100 ft gain

Hike the Tropic Ditch Trail

Tropic, Utah
2 mi

Explore Faux Falls

Moab, Utah
1 mi / 200 ft gain

Hike the Dyckman Hill/Carpenter's Grove Loop

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
4 mi / 400 ft gain

Hike the Scofield Ridge Loop

Beacon, New York
7.5 mi / 1850 ft gain

Hike the Rubicon Trail

South Lake Tahoe, California
7 mi / 400 ft gain

Beaver Pond via Appalachian Trail

Hopewell Junction, New York
3 mi / 400 ft gain

Weavers Needle Loop

Gold Canyon, Arizona
12.37 mi / 2608 ft gain

Visit the Potash Road Petroglyphs

Moab, Utah

Hike the Boynton Canyon Trail

Sedona, Arizona
6 mi

Hike to Laguna Esmeralda

Ushuaia, Argentina
6 mi / 700 ft gain

Hike to Laguna del Caminante via the Andorra Valley

Chacra Los Barreto Road, Argentina
16 mi / 2700 ft gain

Walk the Potala Kora

Lasa Shi, China

Visit the Poison Spider Petroglyphs

Moab, Utah
0.5 mi / 250 ft gain

Hike Stornetta Public Lands

Point Arena, California
2.5 mi

Explore Aguereberry Camp

Inyo County, California

Hike the Washburn/Nelsonville/Undercliff Loop

Cold Spring, New York
7.2 mi / 2000 ft gain

Hike the Stillman - Bluebird Loop

Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York
5.4 mi / 1200 ft gain