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Orem, Utah

Top Spots in and near Orem

  • Provo, Utah

    Hike Mount Timpanogos via Aspen Grove

    14 mi / 5140 ft gain
    The Aspen Grove trail is shorter but a bit steeper than the Timpanooke Trail. This usually means that fewer people take this route, and on an extremely popular mountain like Timpanogos, that’s a good thing. The trail is 14 miles round trip with an elevation gain of 5,140 feet.  The hike begins at...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Skiing Utah's Mount Timpanogos

    Start at the Aspen Grove trailhead for Mt. Timpanogos. Go straight up the southwest side of Primrose Cirque and keep climbing until it levels out continue past East Timp to the shelter by Emerald Lake. From Emerald Lake, skin up where the snowfield is during the summer (south from the shelter). W...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Hike Big Springs Hollow Loop

    5 mi / 600 ft gain
    Arriving to Big Springs Hollow is relatively easy.  Drive up Provo Canyon and turn right onto South Fork Rd at Vivian Park.  As you pass Vivian Park, you'll continue for 3 miles on South Fork Rd until you reach Big Springs Park.  Continue up to the Upper level parking and the trailhead will be in...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Mount Timpanogos via Timpanogos Trail #053

    15.72 mi / 4970 ft gain
    The Timpooneke trailhead is located in American Fork Canyon, next to the Timpooneke Campground. There is a $6 fee to enter the canyon, unless you have a National Park Pass with which you get in free. On the weekends, it may be difficult to find parking at the Timpooneke Campground, so arrive earl...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Timpanogos Basin via Timpooneke Trail

    9.78 mi / 3015 ft gain
    The wildflowers are normally at their peak from mid to end of July or the beginning of August. Depending on the amount of snow that year and how wet of a spring we had it could vary a little bit.  But anytime during the mid summer you will encounter amazing Indian Paintbrush, Lupine, and other co...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Hike to Scout Falls

    2.8 mi / 675 ft gain
    Starting at a little over 7,300 feet, the Timpooneke Trailhead offers a beautiful alpine setting for starting your hike. Several trails originate from the same parking lot so you will want to make sure you get on the correct trail. The parking lot can also get quite full on summer days as people ...
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  • Pleasant Grove, Utah

    Drive-In Sunrise

    Pull into the Pine Hollow parking lot, just before the winter closure gate and watch the show. If you get there early enough you can watch Timpanogos go from the tones of soft alpenglow to the harsh vibrance of sunrise. In the winter make sure you remember enough blankets.
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  • Pleasant Grove, Utah

    Rock Climbing American Fork Canyon

    American Fork Canyon, UT has a rich history in outdoor activity. Little do most people know that American Fork was the birth place of steep, overhanging, sport climbing. Developed by locals, now legends, in the climbing world like Boone Speed and Jeff Pedersen amongst others. This canyon came ...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Camp at Timpooneke Campground

    The Timpooneke Campground sits at 7,400 ft. elevation with views of Mount Timpanogos and campsites surrounded by beautiful aspen, fir and spruce trees. The leaves in the fall put on a show you will not want to miss. Within the campground there are 9 equestrian sites, 1 large group site and 20 sta...
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  • Provo, Utah

    Pine Hollow Trail

    5.26 mi / 1526 ft gain
    The trailhead (Forest Trail 047 - Pine Hollow Trail) starts across the street from a turnout about .5 miles above Mutual Dell in American Fork Canyon. This highly trafficked trail is used for just about every activity you can think of, meaning that you can even snowshoe this in the winter. It's a...
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  • Lehi, Utah

    Jordan River Parkway Trail

    45.33 mi / 2113 ft gain
    Jordan River Parkway Trail is a point-to-point trail that takes you by a lake located near Saratoga Springs, Utah.
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  • Wallsburg, Utah

    Walk the Deer Creek Dam Trail

    8.03 mi / 400 ft gain
    While driving East, the turnoff to the trailhead is just left of the dam. There is a size-able parking lot and rest rooms available. The hike itself is a dirt path and easy to follow. Access to the water's edge is restricted until you are 1500 feet past the dam. Though the trail is designed for b...
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  • Saratoga Springs, Utah

    Saratoga Hot Springs

    0.7 mi / 46 ft gain
    Awesome all year round, but one of the best places to chill out during winter. The water is just hot enough to feel amazing and escape from the cold. This place is public and not supervised. It does close from 10pm-6am and police have been known to pass by and enforce it. Pulling in to the parki...
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  • Saratoga Springs, Utah

    Photograph the Sunrise at Utah Lake

    Turn off Highway 68 onto a dirt road towards Utah Lake. You'll see a large sign on your left and a small hill with ATV trails in the distance on your right. Follow the dirt road straight down past the hill. After veering right you can park down fairly close to the water's edge. The dirt road is f...
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  • Wasatch County, Utah

    Capture the Sunrise above Cascade Springs

    Head towards Cascade Springs from either Provo or American Fork Canyons. As you approach Cascade Springs, a couple miles out watch for small turn-outs on the right side of the road. There should be just enough room for you to park in a variety of locations on the way down to the springs. Hop out ...
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  • Alpine, Utah

    Horsetail Falls - Dry Canyon

    4.01 mi / 1808 ft gain
    Horsetail Falls is a somewhat short hike located near Alpine, UT. The hike has good elevation gain and will make you work a bit to get there. The reward is worth the effort as you arrive at the falls and take a great view while being refreshed in the mist of the falls. The trail is straightforwar...
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