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Lakeshore, California

Lakeshore, California has plenty to see and do for outdoor adventures. With its scenic trails, attractions, and activities, it's a must-visit for anyone looking for the best outdoor experiences. Popular attractions in the area include the Lakeshore Lake Trail, the Lakeshore National Park, and the Lakeshore State Park. For those looking for more of an adventure, there are plenty of guided hikes and biking trails around the area. For a more relaxing experience, visitors can take a boat ride on the lake or go fishing. There are also plenty of camping sites in the area, perfect for a getaway. With its top outdoor attractions and activities, Lakeshore, California is the perfect spot for a memorable outdoor experience.

Top Spots in and near Lakeshore

  • Independence, California

    Summit Mt. Gould

    9 mi / 3812 ft gain
    Starting at 9,200 feet at Onion Valley Campground, take Kearsarge Pass Trail. The hike begins immediately with a substantial increase in elevation, switchbacking up the mountain. On the way up rest and enjoy the beautiful alpine lakes, which include Gilbert, Flower, Heart and Big Pothole Lake. Fl...
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  • Independence, California

    Onion Valley to Mt. Whitney

    47.35 mi / 11745 ft gain
    Trip Guide ***Please note, all images after the first one are arranged in chronological order of the trip so you can easily follow along Day 1 Depending on where you are coming from your day one is most likely going to be setting up your car shuttle from Whitney Portal to Onion Valley.  Our fi...
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  • Independence, California

    Flower Lake from Onion Valley

    5.04 mi / 1352 ft gain
    Make sure to obtain an overnight permit up to 6 months in advance. You will have to pick up your permit at one of the Inyo National Forest Visitor Centers (here) before you begin. Once you have your permit in hand, drive to the Onion Valley Trailhead (see map), which is about 15 miles west of th...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Mount Silliman, Sequoia NP

    11.24 mi / 4449 ft gain
    There is available parking at the campgrounds at the Lodgepole Visitor Center. Lodgepole's elevation starts at 6720 ft. Twin Lakes Trailhead starts right at the base, which you will be following to get to Mount Silliman. Along Twin Lakes Trail are several campgrounds for your journey, you can go...
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  • Tulare County, California

    Tokopah Falls

    3.77 mi / 617 ft gain
    This hike starts from the Lodgepole area of Sequoia National Park. Parking is easy at the easternmost end of the paved road prior to entering the campground. From the south side, the trail starts off by crossing the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River to the north side. It then loosely follows the r...
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  • Fish Camp, California

    Wawona Point via Mariposa Grove

    6.86 mi / 1486 ft gain
    There is easy parking in the Mariposa Grove parking lot. There are a variety of trails through the grove; you can follow the NPS guide maps to see each of the iconic trees. These include tunnel trees you can walk through as well as overturned trees showing the immense root systems. From the park...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Hike to Emerald Lake, Sequoia National Park

    10.4 mi / 2200 ft gain
    Begin this hike at the Alta Peak Trailhead in the Sequoia National Park. The trail initially takes you east-southeast through a loosely forested area that is stark and arid. Around 1.5 miles in you'll cross a small creek, but this creek may dry up in the late spring/summer. Shortly after the cree...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Hike to Pear Lake via the Lakes Trail

    12.4 mi / 2300 ft gain
    The Lakes Trail to Pear Lake can be done as either an overnight stay or a day hike.  For overnight, you'll need to get a permit but there are beautiful camping spots available at both Emerald Lake and Pear Lake.  As a day hike, plan to spend all day since you'll undoubtedly pause at each lake for...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Backpack to Big Bird Lake & Moose Lake

    30 mi / 8000 ft gain
    This trip requires a wilderness permit. You can get one at the Lodgepole Visitor Center where you can also rent a bear canister or use the bathroom before heading out.Wolverton Trailhead -> Big Bird Lake (~12 miles)The start of the trail is on the left side of the parking lot and towards the m...
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  • Friant, California

    Pincushion Peak

    2.49 mi / 1043 ft gain
    Head North on Friant Rd. It will begin to head East, becoming Millerton Rd. Stay on Millerton Rd for 4.2 mi. Turn left onto Sky Harbor Rd (street JUST before Table Mountain Casino). Follow Sky Harbor Rd for 5.8 miles to the end of the road. Parking is available along the road. There are port a po...
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  • June Lake, California

    Parker Lake Trail

    3.55 mi / 584 ft gain
    Parker Lake is tucked beneath the giant mountains of Mount Wood, Mount Lewis, and Parker Peak. I hiked the Parker Lake trail during peak foliage season and I was blown away by the amazing fall colors. The trail starts off with a steady and rocky climb. After you pass the elevation gain, the trail...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Hike the Congress Trail

    3.1 mi / 500 ft gain
    While the General Sherman Tree is the main attraction in this area, the Congress Trail allows you to get away from the majority of the crowd and explore the giant sequoias at your leisure. The vast majority of visitors only walk to and from the General Sherman Tree. The trail starts out from the ...
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  • Sequoia National Park, California

    Hike through the Giant Forest in Sequoia NP

    2 mi / 154 ft gain
    Take a drive to Sequoia National Park and take in the beautiful views of the second oldest national park. If you go in the winter or early spring time, be sure to check the weather beforehand and be prepared for the cold.If you are an avid traveler to national parks, I'd recommend that 2 weeks b...
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  • Lee Vining, California

    Hike to Upper Sardine Lake

    Directions (from south of June Lake): 395 northTurn right onto the 158Keep right at fork onto Parker Lake Rd and go about 0.5 milesTurn right at first right and head all the way to the top until you hit a parking lot/camping ground/trail head From North of June Lake: 395 southTurn left at 158Keep...
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  • Wawona, California

    Wawona Swinging Bridge Trail

    1.29 mi / 121 ft gain
    The hike to the Wawona Swinging Bridge is a 0.7 mile dirt path. Start at the trailhead located next to the parking lot. The hike is surrounded by many trees which offers a lot of shade. For the first couple of minutes the trail is fairly straight. You then begin to hike down for just a minute or ...
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  • Yosemite National Park, California

    Crescent Lake via Chilnualna Falls Trailhead

    19.18 mi / 4678 ft gain
    Crescent Lake is another beautiful spot a long the Beuna Vista loop. Starting at the Chilnualna Falls Trailhead in Wawona, you start your journey climbing about 4.6 miles and 2,300 feet to the top of Chilnualna Falls (always a good place to rest). Beyond the falls, continue a long the trail and a...
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