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Panorama Point

Ashford, Washington

based on 7 reviews



5.71 miles

Elevation Gain

1719 ft

Route Type



Added by Michael Matti

Hike through fields of wildflowers with amazing views of Mt. Rainier from Panorama Point.

This 5.7-mile loop hike begins at the Paradise Visitors Center in Mount Rainier National Park. You just follow the skyline trail that begins from the steps with the John Muir quote on them. The hike goes up 1700 feet to its highest point at 7100 feet. From this high up you have some amazing views of Mt. Rainier and the surrounding land. The view from Panorama Point is well worth the effort it takes to reach it. The top is a great place to just relax for a while, have a snack, and enjoy the view. There is a bathroom up at Panorama Point should you need it.

The hike to and from Panorama Point is beautiful. If it's the right time of year (August), there will be fields of wildflowers that you'll walk through. Keep your eyes open for wildlife, such as deer and marmot.

Permits & Reservations

  • Reservations for timed entry into Mt. Rainier NP may be required to visit. Learn more at NPS.gov
    • Reservations required End of May - Early Sept. for Paradise Corridor & Early Jul. - Early Sept. for Sunrise Corridor
  • Backcountry permits are required if you're making it an overnight adventure. Learn more at NPS.gov.
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Panorama Point Reviews

This is a hike I have done several times and the views are always spectacular, Panorama Point gets it's name for a reason. August is a great month for this hike the Washington weather is typically the best and the wildflowers are in full bloom. Have your camera ready at all times to capture the beauty of the meadows and Rainier itself. Don't be discouraged by clouds, but if you see some moving up with you, try to stay ahead of them I have seemingly raced clouds to the top to capture the last few glimpses of the peak before it is covered by clouds. Definitely pack a lunch and take a load off up at the point before heading back down to the car.

Leave No Trace

Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!


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