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Maxwell Falls

Evergreen, Colorado

based on 14 reviews



3.95 miles

Elevation Gain

928 ft

Route Type



Added by Ryan Mckinney

Getting to Maxwell Falls is a 4-mile loop with about 644 feet of elevation change. This is an awesome waterfall hike located less than an hour from Denver and is an easy to moderate family-friendly hike.

Located just outside of Evergreen, this beginner hike is a great escape from the city for a few hours. There are three different options to hike to the falls: Maxwell Falls Lower Trail (4 miles), Upper Maxwell Falls Trail (1.1 miles), and Maxwell Falls Bluffs Cliffside Trail Loop (5 miles). On this hike, I started from the Maxwell Falls Lower Trailhead. I arrived at 8:00 am and the parking lot was half full, so I would recommend getting an early start.

There are two creek crossings on this trail. At the first crossing, the trail is not clearly marked. You will come across a large downed tree over the creek; this is where you cross the creek. Turn right and make your way up the switchbacks. The rest of the trail is pretty well-marked. Maxwell Falls is best in Spring and early Summer.

This is an easy-to-moderate hike that is great for the whole family. Don't forget to bring your pup! I saw lots of happy dogs on this trail.

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Dog Friendly
Easy Parking
Family Friendly

Maxwell Falls Reviews

This was fun, despite that I actually missed the REAL falls. There was a stopping point where it seemed the falls would have been if there was more water run off. Other people made the same mistake I did too, there was alot of people stopped and looking at the view, which was pretty! But the actual falls are another 1-1.5 miles up the trail. Don't stop when it seems like you've reached them, its a trick falls area. :)

Trail is usually busy. The Upper Maxwell Falls parking is closer to the falls. You can keep right and follow signs down toward the falls to make a loop instead of an out and back.

The Cliff Loop is a good place to see a long-range view of fall foliage. I did that last year in October. Doing the Cliff Loop doesn't add much extra mileage, either.

I just did this hike two weekends ago (10/12/14) and it was lovely! If parking is full at the Lower Trailhead lot, there's more parking at the Upper Trailhead lot and you can still do a loop to see the falls.

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